Keeping the Recipes
The young artists of TRANSIT ARTS developed a long list of questions to ask seniors who have a wealth of creative abilities and experiences (their recipes) to pass down to us. Seniors have survived, and managed to thrive, during challenging times and can help guide upcoming generations by sharing their stories. We are grateful for the stories that can help younger generations manage current challenges while lessening the fear of growing older.
Keeping the Recipes
Episode 2 - The more things change, the more they stay the same.
TRANSIT ARTS and Village Central
Season 1
Episode 2
This episode we speak with Mary Dyer and Leonia Hunt as we explore how things are different, and yet very much the same, between the different generations. From fashion, music, dance, culture, politics, events, etc.
In this series you will experience TRANSIT ARTS members interviewing seniors (community members, family, friends, etc) discussing different topics in which our seniors can share their wisdom and advice. TRANSIT ARTS is a program of Central Community House. "Keeping the Recipes" is made possible with funding from the Isabelle Ridgway Foundation of The Columbus Foundation.