Keeping the Recipes
The young artists of TRANSIT ARTS developed a long list of questions to ask seniors who have a wealth of creative abilities and experiences (their recipes) to pass down to us. Seniors have survived, and managed to thrive, during challenging times and can help guide upcoming generations by sharing their stories. We are grateful for the stories that can help younger generations manage current challenges while lessening the fear of growing older.
Keeping the Recipes
Keeping the Recipes Podcast: Episode 5 : Stepping Into New Experiences
Season 1
Episode 5
In this episode, we interview Patricia Dismon, a senior at Central Community House and recently retired commissioner for the Near Eastside Area Commission. We speak about her experience in this role, and how it's important to take on opportunities and new challenges, even if they are abrupt or require skills you may not have.
All podcast episodes are available on Spotify as well as Apple Podcasts.
Website: www.keepingtherecipes.com
Buzzsprout: https://keepingtherecipes.buzzsprout.com
Video Episodes: https://bit.ly/Keepingtherecipesvid